The Energy Doctors
Who is the Goddess Astraea?
The Greek’s know Astraea as one of the immortals who used to inhabit our planet. Often referred to as a “Star Goddess” or “Star Maiden,” she was beloved by the people of earth.
She was the last of the Gods to leave this planet. We think she departed during the fall of the last major civilisation on this planet (Plato’s Atlantis), from what is now the MÄ¡arr Ix-Xini valley on Gozo. She symbolises the fall of humanity and the hope that a new age of enlightenment will one day return. When Astraea left, she reportedly ascended to the heavens and became the constellation Virgo. One of her roles is to allow souls to pass on their way to earth, and she helps each weigh up their lives when they depart in death. It is prophesised that she will be the first Goddess to come back to earth, and that this will mark the beginning of the planet’s New Golden Age.
As her name implies, Astraea is the Goddess of Easter. The Goddess of Rebirth. Learn More
What is the Spiritual Ascension process?
The process of Spiritual Ascension is akin to a butterfly transcending the existence of a caterpillar. It is a process of death and rebirth.
The caterpillar and the butterfly:
Everyone talks about the butterfly coming out of the chrysalis, but what does the caterpillar feel? The caterpillar feels death. It experiences fighting with, and succumbing to, a greater force. A higher order of its own essence. Butterfly cells are a threat to caterpillar cells, and caterpillar cells attempt to fight off the butterfly ones at first. This process may be painful. At some point, the caterpillar surrenders to death, the butterfly takes form, and emerges into the light. It takes flight with presence and grace, dancing on the currents of life.
What does this mean for us?
The process is very similar for humans. Each of us has a soul and an OverSoul. The OverSoul is a higher order of our own essence. Souls have physical expression, hence why a body loses weight at the moment of death. OverSouls are purely Spiritual. The process of Spiritual Ascension is the process of the Soul dying to the OverSoul.
What is Planetary Ascension?
What does it mean for “Divinity Return to Earth”?
At a planetary level it means enough human souls have completed their missions on earth. For an individual to do this, it normally means they have resolved their past-based lives on the planet. When one does this, it resets the energy equations of the whole planet, as all old karma is reset. Once enough people have done this; the energy equations of the planet move into an exponential curve upwards. When approximately 10,000 people have passed through this gateway, the experience on earth will move into what is best termed as, “Divinity on Earth”.
Francis Xavier Aloisio
Francis guided many people around the temples of Malta and Gozo. He spent more than half of his life abroad, first in Peru as a missionary priest and then in England where he eventually settled after resigning from the Church. During his years abroad, he realised that not many people knew about the Temples of Malta. He started to do his own research on the temples. He created a collection of paintings depicting Malta's journey through history; and wrote many books about the temples and their link to the cosmic journey we are all on.
Atlantis is the name Plato gave to the civilisation which existed prior to our own. When Plato described Atlantis, he was basing his description on the research he had done. Egyptian priests told him that over 9,000 years before, Atlantis had been a rich culture that occupied much of the Atlantic and Mediterranean area. They suggested, the Atlanteans eventually became ungodly and corrupt, and their land was swallowed up by earthquakes and waters. It is said, before their Fall, they had created a utopian civilisation. The extent to which Atlantis covered the planet is now a debated subject, less in scientific circles, but more in esoteric and Spiritual ones.
The Maltese Islands and Atlantis
According to the books of Francis Aloisio, Ma.al.ta was the centre of the Atlantean Empire. It was known as ma.al.ta, the “central abode of life.” In reverse, at.la.am, “the. high pillar of energy.” At that time, ma.al.ta was a three pillared mountain, before the Mediterranean basin was filled with water. Interestingly, the word Mediterranean literally implies, “middle earth.”
The islands of ma.al.ta, which remained on the surface after the Mediterranean Basin flooded, are called Malta, Gozo and Comino.
Francis suggests their names imply:
• Malta: Power
• Gozo: Joy
• Comino: Wisdom
What makes the Maltese islands special?
The knowledge required for the planet to Ascend is embedded within the Maltese rocks. That is, the tools to bring divinity to earth are contained in the Maltese landmass. This has an effect on the energies. The veil is very thin on Gozo. This makes it an ideal location to connect with the divine and your guides.
What does it mean to be a Channel?
As a channel one opens to higher realms of intelligence. One can receive language different messages from your own, information, guidance, designs for systems, blueprints, inspiration, etc.
There are many people who specialise in being channels today. They are doing profound work to introduce ideas of change and transformation to people.
What is a Language of Light?
Light Language is a language sourced in a dimension beyond this realm of existence. It can come to people through their ‘Channel’. It can come to them from beings of Light, from their Soul, or from their OverSoul. Light Language generally speaks directly to your soul. This allows your soul to unlock energies, intelligence, knowledge, and intuition required for you today to deal with the challenges of life you may have.
Old Atlantean as a Language
What does it mean that David speaks ‘Old Atlantean’?
This is one of the languages of the Atlantean Empire. It was one of the higher forms of language. I.E. it allowed one to communicate with higher realms of consciousness, whilst being in human form.
Quantum Healing Practice
The quantum healing practice we are utilising is one which is being handed down to us by the Galactic Union of Light. Their methodology changes the vibration of energy within. one’s body. It also allows for the re-coding of one’s DNA. It can enclose your physical reality in a higher vibration of energy.
4th/5th Dimensional Fields
The 4th/5th dimensional field encapsulates the highest aspects of life on earth. The 4th dimension equates to the quantum field, where all is potential and possible. By altering the 4th dimensional field, one can alter one’s reality. This is where dynamic. healing is nowadays taking place, where people are regrowing bones, changing their physical experience, and healing illnesses which were previously uncurable by methods known today.
The 5th dimensional field is the Spiritual realm, where all is Sound and Light. It is the place where physical expression drops away. In this realm, angels exist, unicorns, dragons, and. other beings of Light.
It is where we all return at the time of death. What is possible now is to experience this reality whilst also being alive in a human body.
Galactic Union of Light
The Galactic Union of Light are ambassadors for the Angelic Realm. Within this quadrant of our Galaxy, they are handing down certain tools and methodologies to assist us to Ascend as rapidly as possible.