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Writer's pictureDavid Collins

Who needs a soul anyway!

Updated: Mar 23, 2024

We are beginning a new set of Ascension training calls in November 2023. I felt called to tell you what this will be about.

It will be the first time I explain the Spiritual Ascension Process, and how it operates on earth in the current time.

So that you can understand my qualifications for teaching this, I need to provide a little background.

During May 2023, I was lying in a hydrotherapy pool on Malta, being held through a rebirthing process by Martine.

It was not the first time I had experienced rebirthing. That was during 2010 in London, when I processed the trauma of my birth.

Martine was singing gently, and I was lying in a blissful trancelike state, surrounded by blue angels. Whilst lying there, the most remarkable thing happened. My soul detached itself from my head, my heart, and left.

It was beautiful and profound. I had been feeling like I was dying for a while, but I did not quite comprehend it was not a physical death.

Though my soul has ascended my personality is still here, able to write emails and blog texts. What remains is my Spiritual connection, to something greater and profounder than I can comprehend.

An Oversoul is what we all possess. At a higher level, it guides and steers our purpose over many synchronised lives.

It plans these lives for special reasons. One of which is the Spiritual Ascension.

There are many different varieties of Ascension. The one we are dealing with on the calls is the Ascension where a human being completes their soul’s purpose on earth and goes on to become a walking talking spiritual being. That is the human Ascension process I am talking about.

So, my Oversoul has walked into the room and is taking over my life’s purpose. I am filled with joy and happiness about this. I feel the multiple dimensions of my Reality completing and coming together in this lifetime.

It feels like all is coming together for a purpose. Something greater than me is being born.

But it all makes sense. At the age of 49, all the skills and abilities I felt were underutilised are beginning to come to the fore.

The power is intense, and the ability I have to learn things has expanded tenfold. I no longer worry about facts and details in an academic sense. Basically, all knowledge and information I need is given to me in daily experiences, as and when I need it.

The knowledge comes from on high; and is a gift of intuition. The greatest gift any individual can give themselves right now is to trust their intuition. It will lead them to greater things than they can imagine.

Without doubt the greatest gift I can give myself is to continue with this also.

The walking talking human being continues but it is now guided from a higher plane of existence. There is a fifth dimensional beingness now centring the life.

It has all the power it needs to guide your life in unseen and incomprehensible ways. It has been planning your Ascension for aeons. If it is for you to do it in this lifetime, you will know it is for you.

You can read more and book the course here...


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