During the past six months I started saying that I am now living my purpose life. "What is that?", you may ask yourself.
Well, I can, of course, only speak for myself, but for me my purpose life is this life, where I am here in the body of Alenka Kreideweiss. My purpose is to bring light to this planet and assist humanity on its ascension path.
In this life, I can live purposefully because of the rise in frequency which is taking place worldwide, and because of all the support we have on the internal planes.
So I am stepping into my purpose, surrendering all human conditioning and fears, to become a being of the new earth.
Interestingly, things I learned and had seemingly left behind are coming back to me to support my purpose. It's like threads coming together to form the new.
For example, my studies of film production.
Apart from story telling, I have not used that knowledge for a while, and did not expect to do so again. But since we started our YouTube channel where we publish some of the calls which document our healing work on the planet, that expertise comes in handy.
For the first time in my life I am also taking in and acknowledging all the different aspects of me. All of my past decisions, pleasant or not, in the end they brought me to where I am now: living my purpose life. :-)