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2023 - What a Year!
It started with a bang, the energies high and I was flying with David.
I still had my coffee shop and we did our very frequent calls with the Americans, Greg, Sharon and Idania; healing ourselves and the planet. The coffee shop came to a close in March with the contract ending mid-April.
Slowly, I sorted those bits and pieces out over the year, with the stuff left in the garage going in 2024.
Letting go is one of the themes of 2023 for me. Making space for the new earth and the new way of living in it.
It´s an ongoing process. In the beginning of 2024 I will wave goodbye to my flat in Berlin, which I held onto for nearly seven years after moving to Malta. Following that, I will move out of the flat I live in now. I am shedding the weight that holds me back.
Healing the reasons for holding on brings up a lot of pain, not only from this life. After going through it, everything becomes much clearer.
Knowing what I am afraid of, where it comes from, and why did I chose all this darkness for my lives again? Clarity on these topics is a real relief.
So will it work out this time and we will create another heaven on earth?
Our efforts failed so many times, why would it be any different this time around?
Learning to trust is another big theme in 2023.
Trusting in the knowledge that, YES, we have already left behind the old world and its dark paradigms!
And: YES, I am totally supported and provided for by the universe!
Trusting in that fact, and letting go of the old well trained belief that we have to work for money, is another ongoing process for me.
Leaving all the standard work engagements behind in March, I am living a good life, where I am not taking on new loans, and always spending some money on joyful things, such as a yummy dinner out.
So it does work. Even if I am financially not yet where I want to be, I know it is coming. I am taking all the necessary steps to surrender, trust, and overcome the fears that pop up on the journey.
What else happened in 2023?
David and I started our walking tours and had our first big group in September. That was the time when the Americans found their way to Gozo. A visit that brought up a lot for all of us. We are still processing and healing our shared past lives in Atlantis and during its fall.
In November, we also started our first Online Ascension Training. This is wonderful with the participants feeling blessed to have like-minded souls supporting them on their journeys.
Before the end of 2023, I have also started my first money course, which is a wonderful addition AND the first thing I have ever initiated on my own.
I didn´t check with anybody on what they thought of the idea, nor did I prepare for the first session, in full trust that everything will happen in divine order.
And now, after the second session feeling heavy because my human got scared, everything becomes clear and falls into place. So I know exactly what there is to teach.
I am learning so much! These days I take more time for myself, thus getting to know myself AND my boundaries. Now I go forward with the awareness of my own needs, and that I have the right to stand up for them. Today, I notice my NO's and the reactions to them. If someone seems to want to change them, I can reassess and decide anew. And say NO again. YES, I CAN!
Being kind and gentle to myself when taking responsibility for EVERY situation is the ethos. Because it was all my choice. To learn, to grow, to heal. To be here now healing my human. Integrating the divine and all the love and knowledge that come with it into my body, mind, and behavioural patterns.
Our motto is: “Do nothing, unless told to do so by the divine.”